Creative Cladding
Principle 11: Use edges and value the marginal
Rather than just use the most simple method to clad the house, that being single sheets, we decided to create some interesting shapes that flow around the building. Recycled battens were used to create a space between the cladding and the reflective foil (as per the roof), and give us a surface to screw to. The line of the curve follows the edges of window and door frames where practical, which was easier to do and also connects the design with the elements that it surrounds.
The window frames were painted before we installed the cladding, so that I didn't need to mask it later on. Just trying to be one step ahead...
Corrugated iron was the material of choice here because of its durability and low maintenance requirements. By running the iron vertically we could work the design on a more horizontal plane, while reducing the need of ongoing maintenance to clean dust from the surface. Using brand-new corrugated iron was not neccessary, I would have preferred to use all second-hand materials, but new material is easier to work with and is more appropriate in a suburban setting.
We started at the bottom with the blue flashing which gave us a level surface line up the corrugated iron. The colorbond iron scratches easily, so you have to be very careful when working with it. We used second-hand green colorbond iron off-cuts for the highlights and galvanised iron for the top panels (which ties in nicely with the eaves). A nibbler was used to cut the shapes in the iron, with tin snips used for finer work.
Matching up the corrugations is challenging, screwing every lap helps make it look tidy - and gives it an industrial look that seems to suit. Pop rivets (sometimes coloured) are used to fix difficult joins and laps. Rockwool insulation was stuffed into the gaps where the walls connect to the roof to prevent fire embers and dust from getting into the roof cavity.
The finish is not perfect, but it looks good from a distance. The design certainly turns a few heads, and I've had nothing but positive comments so far from the locals. I think that people like to see something different happening, someone giving it a go.
Rather than just use the most simple method to clad the house, that being single sheets, we decided to create some interesting shapes that flow around the building. Recycled battens were used to create a space between the cladding and the reflective foil (as per the roof), and give us a surface to screw to. The line of the curve follows the edges of window and door frames where practical, which was easier to do and also connects the design with the elements that it surrounds.
The window frames were painted before we installed the cladding, so that I didn't need to mask it later on. Just trying to be one step ahead...
Corrugated iron was the material of choice here because of its durability and low maintenance requirements. By running the iron vertically we could work the design on a more horizontal plane, while reducing the need of ongoing maintenance to clean dust from the surface. Using brand-new corrugated iron was not neccessary, I would have preferred to use all second-hand materials, but new material is easier to work with and is more appropriate in a suburban setting.
We started at the bottom with the blue flashing which gave us a level surface line up the corrugated iron. The colorbond iron scratches easily, so you have to be very careful when working with it. We used second-hand green colorbond iron off-cuts for the highlights and galvanised iron for the top panels (which ties in nicely with the eaves). A nibbler was used to cut the shapes in the iron, with tin snips used for finer work.
Matching up the corrugations is challenging, screwing every lap helps make it look tidy - and gives it an industrial look that seems to suit. Pop rivets (sometimes coloured) are used to fix difficult joins and laps. Rockwool insulation was stuffed into the gaps where the walls connect to the roof to prevent fire embers and dust from getting into the roof cavity.
The finish is not perfect, but it looks good from a distance. The design certainly turns a few heads, and I've had nothing but positive comments so far from the locals. I think that people like to see something different happening, someone giving it a go.
That corrugated siding is fabulous, what a great idea -- creative and totally permaculture, like the rest of your project.