
Showing posts from October, 2011

Heritage right outside the door

Principle 1: Observe and interact On a walk through the Seymour Market recently I noticed a council display putting forward some logo designs for the new town branding . All four of the designs were a Military Theme. As it happens, I have been reading a book about the history of Seymour called 'New Crossing Place' by H. G. Martingdale. The impact of the railway on the town was enormous, and I felt that council should consider, and offer as an option, the branding of Seymour as a Railway Town.  The Yarra Parlour Car (1906), refurbished in 1964. A stunning display at the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre that was originally used by people who thought that first class wasn't good enough, and paid for the privilege. A detail from the Parlour Car showing one of the lights (originally gas), pressed metal ceilings and lead light windows The X31 loco (1966) at the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre . For every one diesel introduced from 1965/66, two steam trains were s...

New life for Cherry Plums

Principle 9: Use small and slow solutions When I bought this property I inherited about a dozen wild Cherry Plum trees. I've retained most of them with the idea of grafting on other fruiting varieties. Using the Cherry Plum as a root stock gives me the ability to graft on varieties of the Prunus family : Plums, Peaches, Necatines, Apricots, Almonds and Cherries. The Cherry Plums were all out of control, I removed a few of them and have been gradually prunning back the rest of them, using a few different approaches. The ground level pruning approach, with lots of young whips coming up.  The hack it back really hard approach, with pretty good recovery.  And the slowly, slowly approach which leaves some mature branches to bear fruit and still offer shade for the summer. I've used this later approach in prunning the established apple and pear tree, with a three to four year vision for bringing the tree down to a more managable level. I've uses hand tools for the ma...