
Showing posts from February, 2017

Social change projects from around the world with Kai Saywer

Here's an invitation that I' putting out there for an event at our place  - you can accept the invitation on the facebook event - be great to see you here. City Repair project in Portland USA Kai Sawyer, peace activist, student of nonviolence, and permaculture educator from Japan, shares his story of exploring the world of "peace" and "sustainability" in a 2-3 hour presentation at Abdallah House in Seymour. (1a Abdallah Road) Please join us at 6pm for a Pot Luck dinner (bring food to share) before the presentation which will begin at 7:30pm. Space is limited to around 30 guests, so please indicate if you want to come. Kai will be requesting for a donation, so please consider contributing. "From the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to living in the jungle of Costa Rica with no running water or electricity, to my visits to various amazing permaculture communities. My story focuses more on people and relationships (social permaculture), social ...