Renovating 2nd hand doors
Principle 6: Produce no waste Painting doors are one of the last (internal) jobs to be done in an owner builder house. Ours were all second hand (except one which was a second) and needed quite a lot of work to bring them up to scratch. I'd kept some of the original door plates and handles from the old bungalow which I cleaned up and fitted on freshly painted toilet and bathroom doors. The old paint was difficult to remove, but the putty knife did the trick, with smaller flecs removed with steel wool. Removing paint from a door handle plate using a putty knife and steel wool Renovated door handle and plate on newly painted door for the toilet, same was done for the bathroom door Our front and carport entry doors are the same design. My glazing mate Dylan suggested that I replace the wooden panels with opaque white glass, that he could supply for me from left over stock he had laying around. I liked the idea and went ahead with it, completing the front door some time a...