
Showing posts from April, 2013

The 'Super Fridge' (upright freezer conversion)

Principle 12: Creatively use and respond to change I'm one for trying out different things, and I like to see what we can get away with before committing to something bigger and 'better'. Fridges and freezers are one of the biggest energy consumers in the household - usually behind heating / cooling and hot water systems. Our upright freezer to fridge conversion in action We've trialed a number of fridge systems here before settling on the upright freezer conversion. First we used an old 150lt bar fridge that used around 670Wh per day Then we bought a 150lt chest freezer (using around 466Wh per day) for preserving bulk food - with the idea of a possible conversion. Our bar fridge died two weeks later so we used ice from our freezer to create a 'ice box bar fridge' We then tried a smaller old Engel fridge (about 50lt) that I had in the Kombi that used about 420Wh per day. After not being entirely satisfied with any of the above I finally decided...

International Permaculture Day 2013

Principle 8: Integrate rather than segregate Well, it's come around to that time of year again. Sunday May 5th is International Permaculture Day and we'll open the property up and happily show people around from 1pm till 4pm . You can see the de tails for our event here . If Seymour in V ictoria (Australia) is too far out of your way, then check the above website for something closer. I've asked Peter Lockyer , the builder / architect that I worked with on the construction , to join me - so if you've got any technical questions or are looking to build yourself th en Pete's your man. Our north fac ing deck with recently constructed trellis I'm going to ask for a gold coin donation this year, all proceeds being donated to Perma fund - supporting permaculture project s internationally. We'll have permaculture publications on offer on the day with net proc eeds from sales tithe d to Permafund. This is p art of my new business venture, publis...

Food Harvest - First Quarter of 2013

Principle 3: Obtain a yield and Principle 4: Apply self regulation and accept feedback Life has been very busy lately. I've been flat out on redeveloping the Permaculture Principles website which is now online. As part of the rebuilding of the website I have been working with Charlie Mgee in integrating his interpretations of the permaculture principles into song with the website. He launched his album last night with his constantly evolving band at CERES (most appropriate) along with this video clip featuring the 'Obtain a yield' principle - which I love. I took the family down for the event and finally met Charlie in the flesh - the latest effervescent permaculture ambassador. A fantastic night that gave me hope for a resurgence of interest in permaculture. While working on the new website I've been trying to keep the water up to the garden during this unrelenting dry season. In the last four months of the year I recorded just 72mm of rain, and in the firs...