Expose your permaculture project in 2014
Principle 8: Integrate rather than segregate This post was originally published on PermaculturePrinciples.com . I'm posting it here with the hope that some of the readers of this blog may wish to contribute and publicise / share their own observations or projects. Would you like the opportunity to feature as an example of one of the 12 design principles on the Permaculture Principles website and in the Permaculture Calendar? With around 150,000 unique visitors to the site over the past year, and a sell out of the 2013 Permaculture Calendar, your photo submission could reach a huge audience of people interested in Permaculture. It's a great way to promote a project that you've been involved in, or to share an observation that you've made, and contribute to the wider permaculture community. One of the images submitted for the 2013 Permaculture Calendar - now featured on the Principles website Along with high exposure to your peers, photographer's that are ...