Principle 9: Use small and slow solutions I was thinking about which principle to use to illustrate this, and decided on use small and slow solutions , I've been realising that home grown food is a fantastic example of this principle. It's also a good example of obtain a yield . I was given a large watermelon last year by a friend that grew it at the Seymour Community Garden , it was so delicious that I keep some seeds. This year I raised some seedlings and planted a few of them out. One of them took off and eventually produced a single enormous watermelon. It was so big that Kai couldn't lift it (about 8kg). Kai trying to lift our first watermelon, that came in at around 8kg How did I know when to pick it? Well, I asked around and was told that I should pick it when 'you knock it and it sounds hollow' . I was also warned by another friend not to pick it too early, or too late. Hmmm... well I knocked it, it sounded hollow and I picked it. I was waiting for...