
Showing posts from September, 2013

10 weeks without a van, and counting

Principle 12: Creatively use and respond to change. The story of Tang Tang - a 1975, 2lt Kombi camper I've become quite attached to my Kombi. I bought it in back in 1995 when I decided to head off for an adventure around Australia. I spent about 5 years living on wheels and 'Tang' and I became close friends. We've had our good and bad times, but mostly good. We also know each other intimately. About 10 weeks ago I suspected that something was seriously wrong with Tang. The gears were playing up. My VW specialist mechanic in Pylong, about 35km away, is usually busy. So it was a 3 week wait before he would even look at the van. I've learn't not to push Trevor too hard over the years, just give him the time he needs to get things done. A friend told me a story about her putting the pressure on him and getting her Kombi (unrepaired) on the back of a tow truck. Trevor took the gearbox out, and from what I can tell it was sitting around in the workshop for ...