
Showing posts from 2015

House and Garden Tour - 21st November

Do you live in or around the Mitchell Shire? If so then you might want to take advantage of this opportunity to came and check out our place - a FREE tour! The Mitchell Shire Council staff, including the CEO, came on a private tour of our property in July. I received some very positive feedback, and was asked to run a tour for residents in the shire to show how we have reduced our environmental impact. The tour will run on Saturday the 21st of November from 1pm to 2:30pm. If you are interested in coming along, please RSVP: [email protected] You can download the flyer here , or read it below. Mitchell Shire Council staff come on tour at Abdallah House

Open for Tours on Permaculture Day

Richard and Peter with HIA GreenSmart   2012 finalist certificates in 2 categories Tours run on Sunday May 3rd 2015 at 9am, 11am and 2pm - each running for about an hour. Just $5, children free! Owner builder Richard Telford and Builder / Architect Peter Lockyer (morning sessions only) will be running tours at Abdallah House, an urban rebuild and permaculture demonstration site on 580m2 (1/7th of an acre) in the rural township of Seymour, central Victoria. Features include: passive solar design, with raised living room slab reuse of original building along with many loacally sourced 2nd hand materials integrated cellar / tank stand / cool cupboard low energy consumption home (around 3kw/h p/d) with 1.5kw solar array rainwater capture in tanks and earthworks chooks and small netted espaliered orchard fossil-fuel free heating and hot water system use of large Red Gum which was milled on-site greenhouse with experimental aquaponics vegetable gardens and mult...