2016 Permaculture Day Tours
Do you want to check out what we have been up to? While the blog has been a bit quite of late, there's still plenty that's been happening here at Abdallah House. Come on down for a tour on Permaculture Day , Sunday May 1st at 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00. The cost is $5, under 16 is free. Price includes a Permaculture Calendar (still 8 months left!), that was produced by your host, owner builder Richard Telford. Abdallah House, an urban rebuild and permaculture demonstration site on 580m2 (1/7th of an acre) in the rural township of Seymour, central Victoria. The build began in 2009 and completed in 2010. The house was a finalist in the 2012 HIA GreenSmart awards . UPDATE: Peter Lockyer, the builder / architect that I worked with on the project will be joining us once again! Features include: passive solar design, with raised living room slab reuse of original building and 2nd hand materials integrated cellar / tank stand / cool cupboard low energy consumpt