Energy Rating

Principle 2: Catch and Store Energy As part of the building permit application process I needed to get an Energy Assessment of the house design. The architectual drawings were submitted to an Accredited Rater who uses House Energy Rating tools like FirstRate to give an energy rating to a house. In Victoria any new house or renovation needs to receive a rating of 5 stars or better in order to be appoved by council. The house design received an Energy Rating of 6 stars, the maximum rating available with software used. FirstRate report summary With the plans a list of design details was also supplied which help to elaborate on the drawings which is listed below. Design Details for Energy Assessment The development includes the relocation and rebuild of an existing 3 room timber structure (to become 3 bedrooms) with a new construction of Living/Dining/Kitchen plus Bathroom. The Living/Dining/Kitchen is an open plan design with thermal mass from the insulated concrete slab. This area has...