International Permaculture Day 2017 Tour
We've had a number of private tours here recently, now it's time to open our place up to the wider community. Join us for tours running at 2:00 and 3:30, each tour runs for a bit over an hour - so bring a hat and comfortable shoes. Cost is $5, which includes a 2017 Permaculture Calendar - if you don't already have one!
Features include:
- passive solar design, with raised living room slab
- reuse of original building and 2nd hand materials
- integrated cellar / tank stand / cool cupboard
- low energy consumption home (around 3-4kw/h p/d)
- 1.5kw solar array
- rainwater capture in tanks and earthworks
- chooks and small netted espaliered orchard
- fossil-fuel free heating and hot water system
- use of large Red Gum which was milled on-site
- greenhouse with experimental aquaponics
- vegetable gardens and multi-grafted fruit trees
- composting system
You can visit us on Sunday the 7th of May at 1a Abdallah Road, Seymour, Victoria - from 2:00pm - 5:00p. Tours start at 2:00 and 3:30pm
You can find out about this event and others at the event page on the permaculture day website.