Why produce the 2015 Permaculture Calendar?

Principle 3: Obtain a yield

I've been working towards making a living from doing what I love. This has been a long process which has been helped by the fact that we live a simple lifestyle. Reducing our overheads so that our family of four only requires around AU$10,000 a year to cover our normal living expenses.

For the first time I have generated enough income through the ongoing development of the Permaculture Principles website to cover our living costs - the majority of that has come from the sale of the Permaculture Prinicples Calendar - which is now being distributed from partners in the UK, USA and NZ as well as from here in Australia at Abdallah House.

The sale of other permaculture publications, many of which I've been involved in producing, also contributes to the running of the website. Since July 2013 I've committed to putting a portion of this income aside, along with that of the calendar, to support the wider permaculture community.


It was important for me to ensure that I embodied the values that I highlight in the website and calendar. I've applied the ethic of Fair Share, in part, by donating (or tithing) 10% all profits that I generate from the Permaculture Principles business to Permafund. This financial year past my contribution was $1013.77 - The donations given to the Permafund are used to promote Permaculture projects to assist with resilience in the developing world, in places of extreme need and in projects promoting permaculture.

The 2015 Permaculture Calendar

Since taking over the co-ordination of the calendar in 2012 the 2013 and 2014 editions have sold out. I have high hopes that the calendar will continue to be supported in the same way and have increased the print run slightly to 3,000. It's not a lot in the big scheme of things, but challenging enough to produce, market and sell. I feel that this project is worthwhile on many different levels.

The main purpose of the calendar is to help people learn the design principles. It does this through the familiarisation with the principles using the name, icon, an image and short story - one featured each month. Enough time to absorb some of what each one is about and how it might be applied.

Each of the photo descriptions brings to light and important project or observations that could easily get swept away during our high paced lifestyles. They illustrate how the featured principle has been applied, that may inspire the reader to think about applying them in their own project or lifestyle.

The principles are the building blocks of permaculture. To this is added a basic moon planting guide which I've found valuable in motivating me to plant certain types of seeds and get active in the garden. Our family uses the calendar every day to plan ahead and see what's coming up.

If the calendar sounds like something that you'd like to check out then visit the website.


Sherri said…
Hi, My two copies of the 2015 permaculture calendar arrived in the mail yesterday. I ordered mine from Green Harvest. The calendar is great. I really appreciate the way the permaculture principles have been incorporated into the calendar.
Sherri said…
Hi, My two copies of the 2015 permaculture calendar arrived in the mail yesterday. I ordered mine from Green Harvest. The calendar is great. I really appreciate the way the permaculture principles have been incorporated into the calendar.

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